Why did the bike fall over? It was two-tired.
Which is also why you haven't heard from us in a bit.
So, I woke up at 6:00 am today, and I immediately thought of you. It’s probably because I saw Jamie yesterday for the first time since… gosh, probably mid-December. Which is probably because we’ve had A LOT going on.
In the time since we last published:
Jamie had grown tired of nursing a bum hip and decided to get hip surgery for her torn labrum. I just texted her to clarify, and she said “Essentially, my hip ball and socket weren’t smooth, so the cartilage around the hip socket tore.” She’s doing really great and is surprisingly pain free this soon after (she actually has had very little pain from the surgery in general), and she’s looking forward to getting back on the bike as soon as she can.
I bought a house! I had mentioned my temporary living situation a few times on the podcast, but I’m finally moving into something a lot more permanent. And it may just get Jamie and I out of the closet and into something more suitable for video recording… which may or may not be foreshadowing what’s in store for this year of the podcast.
Ok, I know it sounds like we each had just one thing going on, but they’re big things!
I’ve been nursing my knees this winter as well, but I’ve still been able to hop on my bike a bit, both in the Salt Lake valley before it got too wet and down in southern Utah. In fact, Aaron and I spent New Year’s weekend (also my birthday weekend) in Hurricane, Utah doing some riding in the Jem trail network and out at Wire Mesa. It was Aaron’s first time riding in the desert, and these trails were a great way to acquaint him with the kind of technical that comes with this kind of rock.
If any of y’all aren’t familiar with the area and want to check it out (it’s close to Zion National Park), stop by River Rock Roasting Company for a pre-ride coffee and post-ride beer.
I’ll be popping down to Moab for a very short weekend of riding later in February, and we’ll be gearing up for some new episodes here in a bit as well. But in the meantime, what have y’all been riding and/or up to this winter? Tell us what trails you’ve been riding or what you’ve been doing to stay busy and moving and sane this winter!
Miss you folks. Talk soon.